
2009, Accepted by Technion Patent Committee – 1191. (20140223610)
Engineering of a non-lethal novel electron transfer pathway into PSII as a step towards biological energy production from photosynthetic organisms.
Submitted with Prof. Gadi Schuster, Ms. Shirley Larom and Mr. Faris Salama.
August 7th 2014
2009, Accepted by Technion Patent Committee -1192. (US20140087997 A1).
Invention of a method for the development of a novel class of antibiotics based on lethal peptide sequences
Submitted with Ms. Sharon Navon and Ms. Tali Schwartzman.
March 27th, 2014
2022, US Provisional Application No. 63/384,485
“Live Organism-Based Bio-Generators” – TRDF reference: 2022002-00- Our ref: TEC-P-08305US.
Submitted with Gadi Schuster, Yaniv Shlosberg and Alvaro Israel.