First structures of an active bacterial tyrosinase reveal copper plasticity


Mor Sendovski, Margarita Kanteev, Vered Shuster Ben-Yosef, Noam Adir, Ayelet Fishman

 Journal of Molecular Biology 405, 227-237 (2011)

Fig. 1Overview of TyrBm structure. The dimer structure of TyrBm is presented; both subunits (subunit 1 on the right and subunit 2 on the left) are presented in an N-terminal to C-terminal spectrum. Copper ions in the active site are presented in brown. The dimer-forming contacts in each subunit, Trp41-Tyr267 and Arg37-Asn270, are shown in black. The four main helices, from which the His residues coordinating the copper ions project, are presented in subunit 1: α2 in light blue, α3 in cyan, α7 in dark yellow, and α8 in orange. The structure presented is that of TyrBm1 (a type 1 crystal) crystallized in the presence of Zn ions. The overall structures of all other crystal structures described here are nearly identical. All figures presented in this work were generated using PyMOL (

Fig. 2. TyrBm crystals have monooxygenase activity. (a) TyrBm monoclinic (type 2) crystals obtained in drops containing 18% polyethylene glycol 8000 and 0.1 M cacodylic acid (pH 5.6) at 20 °C after 14–21 days. (b) Crystals were soaked in 0.5 mM l-tyrosine and turned brown after 48 h.

